Manage Declined Club Orders

How to process orders after cards have been updated

Updated over a week ago

This article describes how to manage failed credit cards during club processing.

Failed credit cards decline notifications

An automatic email will be sent to the member to let them know their card has been declined. When the member logs in and updates their card you will receive an email notification that tells you an update has been made.

Filter to find failed orders

If you have a failed order due to incorrect credit card details, you can reprocess it using the same card or enter a new one. If you enter a new credit card for a declined club order, it will update the credit card information on the club member profile, so it will be stored there for future use.

  • Go to Dashboard > Orders and filter under the Order Status for Invalid Orders.

    OR, if you have processed a club and members have been updating their credit cards, and you want to bulk process those updated cards, select and filter for Updated Cards. Once the orders appear, to bulk process, check the box to select all orders, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Bulk Process button to process all at once.

    Reprocess a failed order on the Console

    To reprocess an individual order, click on the invoice number to get into the order details page. Then, click the Reprocess Order button.

  1. Process card on file: You may process the card on file, for example, if the invalid reason was that the card exceeded the limit, and the member told you that you can retry the card. You do not need to enter any card data; just click 'Process card on file'. You can also do this if the member notified you that they have updated the credit card on file by logging in and doing it themselves.

  2. Process with a new, updated card: If the member calls with new credit card information, pull up their failed order, enter the credentials, and then choose 'Process Order'. This will process the order and also write the credit card information back to the member record, so it will be good for your future club order processing. 

Manage Declined Member Club Orders on the POS

When the member is on-site, you can quickly see any past declined club orders, update the card on file, and charge for the declined orders. Learn more

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