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How to cancel a member

How to unsubscribe a member from a club and how to reactivate a club member

Updated over a year ago

NOTE: To cancel a member if you are using Revel POS, follow these steps instead.ย 

If you need to cancel or unsubscribe a member from a club and ensure they're no longer receiving cub benefits (e.g., discounts, etc.):

  1. On VinesOS, go to Clubs > Members and locate the member you need to cancel.

  2. Click on the member's name to open the Member profile edit page.

  3. Uncheck the club(s) that the member is canceling.ย Do NOT uncheck the 'Is Active?' checkbox - this box should remain checked. This will keep them as a customer, just not a member.

  4. Enter Cancellation date

  5. Enter the Method (email, in-person, phone, etc.) and Cancellation Reason

  6. Canceled members are shown in the report based on the cancellation date field.

  7. Save.


    Once the above has been done, the customer will no longer be part of the club and will not show up in the member section, or be able to get any discounts. This customer will be automatically transitioned to the CRM section as a Customer type account. Also, the ex-club member will not receive an email notification when you cancel them.

Reactivating a Club Member

If you need to reactivate a member who canceled and wants to rejoin a wine club, do the following:
First, you will need to find the customer in the CRM section. From the VinesOS sidebar, go to the CRM section, and search for the customer there (adjust the search filters to get 'All' customers to show). Then, click on their name to open their edit profile record. On their edit profile page, you will see a full list of the available clubs. You need to check the desired club, and also check the 'Active' checkbox. Save the record.

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