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Setting up Events

How to manage and configure event ticket sales

Updated over 3 months ago

This article explains adding and setting up different event types, price overrides for special date/time pricing, gratuities, notifications, and more.

Add a new event

1. From the VinesOS sidebar, click on Events > Events

2. Click the Add Event button at the top of the page

3. Enter the: Title, Date of your event, Time of event, and Type

Public Events are set to display on your events page for public bookings.

Private Events do not display on your events page; however, you can send recipients a link to sign up for them.

1) Set the event type to 'Private' in the event edit page
2) On the events list view page, in the Action column, set the event to 'Show.' The event will be visible by sending the link but will not show on your events page.
3) On the events list view page, right-click the shopping cart icon to the right of the event name, and copy the link. You can then use that link to send to private recipients (e.g., internal staff, specific customers, etc.) for sign-ups.

4. Upload an Event Image

5. Set the Start Date for when the event will start to display, and enter the Display Until date, after which the event will no longer be listed. (It may still be indexed by search engines - so it's a good practice to list it as 'Past Event' just in case a visitor searches and finds it that way before it falls off Google's radar).

6. For repeat events, the 'Display Until' date sets the last day for purchasing a recurring event. So if you set, for example, Display Until April 15, the calendar pop-up will only show the event booking up to that date and no booking dates after that day.

7. Enter the description

8. Enter the SKU, if relevant

9. Enter Confirmation Email details

10. Enter State Tax

11. Set Max Seats Available. In the Quantity section, you can establish the number of seats and table sizes available, and other options.
Important: If you have set Max Seats Available to, for example, 100 tickets for the event and are also offering multiple time slots, each time slot (e.g., 2 PM, 3 PM, 4 PM) can sell 100 tickets each for a total potential of 300 tickets sold. Once the allocated 100 is sold out for a particular time slot, no more tickets will be available for purchase for that specific time.

Also, if you do have a specific maximum number of seats available for sale, be sure to set that number into the Max Seats Available field before you start selling tickets. Otherwise, it is possible that you may oversell the event. For example, if you have a total of 20 tickets to sell, and you sell 10 tickets before setting the Max Seats to 20, the event would be allowed to oversell by up to 10 tickets for a potential of 30 tickets sold.

When you need to limit the order quantity and collect the number of attendee totals, check the Limit Order Quantity box and then enter the Max Per Order number, as seen in the steps below:

*Note: When selling tickets as an Admin you can override the max seats available function.  Learn more.

Set Prices for members, non-members, and pricing limitations.

Enable Upcoming Event Reminder Notification

Send reminders to your guests for their upcoming reservations. Set the email to be sent at a customized timeframe prior to the event. Whether it's 1 hour or 48 hours before, your guests will be reminded that you are looking forward to their attendance.

Enable this option in Settings. From the VinesOS sidebar, click on Settings > General Settings. Search for or scroll down to 'Reservation Reminder Email', and toggle this on. Then, set the number of hours in advance of your events to send out the reminder notification email to your attending guests. Save your changes.


Check the box 'Members Only' if it's a members-only event. This will require members to be logged in to purchase.
IMPORTANT: When setting a member price, you must also set a non-member price equal to or greater than the member price. Otherwise, the member price field will display blank on the event page, and this will result in a $0 charge in the order!

Create event options with different prices

If you're interested in offering add-on options for your event, use the 'Pricing subtype'. This allows you to add multiple options, such as a Charcuterie board, a VIP tour, etc. It can be set up as an alternate price that requires the base ticket or is independent of the base ticket.

  1. Check the 'Pricing subtype'

  2. Enter a description for the alternate ticket option.

  3. Enter guest and member prices as applicable (note that, if needed, you can specify price overrides (i.e., different prices) for specific days/times in the Repeat Events section below).

  4. Requires base ticket. This option specifies that the base ticket will be required for the order in addition to the subtype being added. Check this option if you want to require the base item and the subtype to be ordered together. If this is not checked, the subtype will be allowed to be purchased separately from the base ticket.

NOTE 1: If your main event is FREE, you can still charge a fee for one or more subtype options. For example, see the screenshot below:

NOTE 2: Under the Event Tickets section, select the option 'Sell tickets online.' If this is not selected, the event will be promoted on your site, but there will not be a 'Buy' button

Now, Save your new event.

You're now ready to sell tickets to the event.

Repeat Events, Available Days, Reserved Tastings

Add Tasting Reservations or any recurring event to your website and let your customers easily book their tastings while maintaining limited availability of bookings. Set special pricing (i.e., Price Overrides) for specific days/times that will override the normal pricing.

Here's a Tasting Reservation example -- if you have the VinesOS Events module, you can set this up following the directions below, and then link the Tastings Reservation page to your main menu. You will have all the RSVPs to manage the check-in at the door. **Make sure to test a booking before making it available on your site. Go to the Event, and select the checkbox for 'Repeat event'.

1. Sell tickets online: If this checkbox is not selected, the event will be promoted on your site, but there will not be a 'Buy' button

2. Members Only: If this is a members-only event, check this box. This will require the member to be logged in to make a purchase.

3. Add to cart label: Create a unique label for the quantity field (e.g., number of guests, number of reservations, number of suites, etc.). This label will display next to the quantity selection field on your event booking page.

4. Tips Included: If you want to ensure staff members are compensated for their efforts and receive a predetermined percent gratuity. The tip will automatically appear on checkout as an included line item.
5. Repeat event: Select to make the event an ongoing, repeat event. Note, if your event is only available on 3 days, for example, you would instead go to the bottom section under Available days and select "Add Day" (#8) to enter just the three dates the event is offered.
6. Requires participant names: Check if you want the buyer to have to enter guest names. If you do this, you will have each guest so you can check people in without the ticket buyer being there.
7. Free participants: Check if there is only one cost, and participants are not charged per person, so it would only be 1 cost per ticket. For example, this would be used for a virtual tasting that is private; there is one buyer but they are inviting 10 friends, and it is one cost for the private virtual tasting.
8. Available for purchase: -Enter days in advance (i.e., they can book for 3 weeks out)
9. Minimum purchase timeframe: Enter the minimum time you need before the booking (48 hours before booking availability).
10. Days of the week/time: Select the repeating days of the week the event is offered and add time slots available.
11. Price Override: You can set special pricing that overrides your regular event pricing. Note that you can set a separate override price for members versus non-members.

12. Available days:

As an alternative, enter just the individual dates the event is available. This is often used for Member pickup parties, where members can choose one of two dates.

3. Virtual Tastings

​To set up a Virtual tasting, where you include specific items in the checkout to anyone who signs up, follow the steps above for Repeat Events, but also:

#1 Go to the Products tab and add the items to include in the sale. Enter the name or partial name of what items you are going to send with the Virtual Tasting.

#2 Be sure to check the box for Free participants on the main Events tab if you want customers to be able to reserve for 6 people but only charge them ONE virtual tasting fee. The virtual tasting fee is added to the cost of the items added in the products tab. Member rates will apply to the products on checkout.

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