To bulk upload a CSV file with shipping tracking numbers that will also change the order status from 'To Ship' or 'Hold for Pickup' to the 'Shipped' status, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Orders page in the Dashboard. Click the Import button at the top of the page, then click the dropdown arrow and select 'Tracking Numbers' to go to the import tracking page.
2. On the import tracking page, click the 'Download Here' link to download the import tracking sample spreadsheet.
3. Open the CSV file. In the Order ID column, enter your order
numbers. In the Tracking Number column, enter the tracking numbers for each shipment. Save the file.
4. Return to the Orders page, and again click the Import button, then the dropdown arrow, and select 'Tracking Numbers'. On the import tracking page, click the 'Choose file' button to search for and upload your completed tracking numbers spreadsheet. Then, click the Import button to import your file.
Once you complete the above steps, all of the orders you included in your spreadsheet will be automatically updated to the status 'Shipped', and the respective tracking number will be included in the order.