Order missing on Revel

If an order is missing at Revel, verify the product's Revel links are in place

Updated over a week ago

If an order is missing on Revel, check that the product exists on Revel.

First, check the product page in Vines OS, and verify that the corresponding Revel link is showing for the product. If the product does not exist on Revel, Vines OS cannot send the product order over to Revel.

To populate the product at Revel, make sure the product on Vines OS is set to one of the three following statuses, which are found at the bottom of the page:

Published: This will have product for sale on Vines OS or Revel.

Members only OR No display - sale : These two status types will send the product to Revel but not have it for sale on the iPad.

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