Customers can purchase a Gift Club membership and specify the number of shipments for their gift. The following outlines the steps required to set up your Gift Club:
Configuring Gift Clubs
1. Log in to the VinesOS console
2. Go to Settings > General Settings
3. Scroll down to the Wine Club section.
4. Toggle on ‘Gift clubs’
5. Toggle on 'Enable ongoing giftclub charge' to ensure that you can accurately capture the correct tax and shipping charges at the time of the club release.
6. Click on the link, 'Configure gift clubs'. This will take you to the Settings page for Wine Clubs (Dashboard > Settings > WineClub). This is where you will configure the terms or number of shipments to offer customers for the gift club.
Option Label - this is what will be displayed on the Gift Club page.
Clubshipments qty - is the number of shipments the gift club recipient will receive. (Note: if you want to set a Gift Club option for 'unlimited', add a row and label it 'Unlimited' and input a very high number (e.g., 9000) for that row to accomplish this.)
7. Upon completion, click 'Save'.
Adding a Gift Club Membership
There are two ways to add a gift club membership.
A customer selects 'Gift Club' on the front end from your Wine Club page.
OR -
From your Dashboard, you can enter a new membership by clicking on Clubs > Members > New Gift Member.
Next, the number of shipments in the gifted club will be selected.
Once the form and purchase is completed, a default notification called 'Gifted Member Welcome' is sent out to the new gifted club member. The email notification is sent to the customer notifying them of the gifted club, term, and expectations for upcoming club shipments.
Never store the gift giver's credit card on the recipient's member record OR that person will be paying for member ecommerce orders! Rather, the credit card section in the recipient member's record is exclusively reserved for that member's own credit card for purchases. If you were to enter the gift giver's credit card there, the gift giver would then be on the hook for any future e-commerce purchases made by the member.
Updating Gift Club Giver's Credit Card
If you need to update the gift giver's credit card used for future gift membership billings, this is done in the gift giver's own member record by clicking on the 'Update gift giver CC' link (screenshot below).
If admin does want to set a credit card from a gift giver for the gift club, they must use the 'New Gift Member' button at the top of the main Members list page.
If the member is already in a club
If the member is already in a club, and you want to gift them a second club, admin can do this through the VinesOS console:
1. Open the member's profile, and uncheck the current club. Save.
2. Reopen the member's profile. Check the gift club option and add gift settings. Save.
3. Reopen the member's profile. Then add the original club back on. Save.
*This is not an issue for online gift club purchases, only when adding from the VinesOS console.
Club Processing
Each time the club the gifted member belongs to is processed, the 'Shipments sent' will increase by one. Once all gifted shipments have been sent, the 'Gifted member' will receive an email stating that the membership has ended. This email can be found in Notifications/Terms > Gift membership > Gift membership expired.
Gift Club Expiration
Once the gift membership has fully expired, the gifted membership ends, and the gifted member is transitioned to a regular 'customer' and can be found in the CRM. At this point, the customer can log into their account and join a club, or the admin can do this for them by checking a box in their profile for whichever club they want to join. In either case, their credit card information will need to be added if not already there for future club charges. The billing credit card for an expired gift membership is usually added by the member from their member account page when they rejoin a club as a regular (non-gifted) member. Or admin can add the billing credit card at any time.
Gift Club Extension
If your gift clubs are set to charge gifted club memberships on an ongoing basis (rather than prepaid) in your General Settings > 'Enable ongoing giftclub charge', then admin has the option to increase the number of gift shipments available on the member account. The same credit card will be charged. This can be done before the expiration of the gift club membership or afterward. If the membership has already expired, admin just needs to recheck the 'gift membership' checkbox again.
*Important: If the 'Enable ongoing giftclub charge' is not enabled, admin will not see the the field to increase the number of shipments. Also, if admin manually sets the club membership to gifted for the first time (i.e., if the gift membership wasn't purchased through an order), the system will treat the gift membership as free because there is no card to charge for the gift membership. Admin might do this when members are imported from another system with an already prepaid gift membership, or if admin wants to grant the member a free gifted membership.
Gift club notifications
Several notifications are associated with Gift clubs, which can be viewed on the 'Notifications' page. Here are the various notifications pertaining to gift clubs:
Instant order processing on
Gift club order processed: Sent to the gift giver when the order is placed.
Gifted member welcome: Sent to the giftee when the order is placed.
Instant order processing off
Gift club order processed: Sent to the gift giver when the order is processed
Gifted member welcome: Sent to the giftee when the order is processed
Gift club processes ship/pickup: Sent to giftee when next club release is processed.
Gift membership expiration: In your settings, there is an option called 'Extend Gift Membership'. If toggled ON, gifted members will continue to receive member benefits until the next club release is issued. If not ON, the membership benefits will expire immediately upon the gifted club member's final shipment.
Please review and update your gift club email notifications, especially the one for a declined card. Go to the Notifications section and choose the email template: 'Gifted club order process declined cc'. Review and edit the default text that goes to the gift club buyer, if their card gets declined.
Find a Gifted Member
In the members' section, you can filter for Gifted members. In the Member status, filter for Gifted.
Cancel Gifted Membership
Learn how to Cancel a Gifted membership
Changing a Gifted Membership
You cannot change the club for a Gifted Club membership. The primary reason for this is that there is no credit card on file for the gifted club member. The gifted membership must expire before it can be re-gifted or the member can sign up.
Before you announce gift memberships are available on your site, please test your configuration with a "test member" to ensure everything functions as you expect it to.
Not recommended for use! See the bolded text below.
When you set up gift clubs, the gift giver pays the full amount upfront of the gift club, based on the number of shipments being purchased. The downside of prepaid gift clubs is that the orders do not include tax or shipping and you need to back that into the charge and report it manually. You process gift clubs at the same time as regular clubs. Vines OS recognizes that it is a Gifted club, and the card is not charged. There is no credit card stored with this membership, so if the member logs into a purchase, they would enter their credit card, and that credit card would be stored on file for future purchases. When you are working with gift clubs, you do not need to process them separately. It will show on the gift member record how many gifted clubs remain, in other words, how many have already been paid for. When you run a regular club shipment, Vines OS counts down and when the term is finished, it sends the gifted member an email asking if they would like to continue their membership and join.
Set up a gift wine club so that your customers can purchase a gift club for a recipient. When you do this, the buyer's credit card is charged in full at the time, based on the price that you set for the club shipment, and based on the number of club shipments that they are buying. For example, if you configure it so that a gift club can be on a 3, 6, or 12 shipment term, the buyer's credit card would be charged for three times the value of the club shipment if they were purchasing a three-term gift club.
Step-by-step guide
Log into the dashboard
Go to Settings > General Settings
Scroll down to the wine club section
Turn on "Offer Gift wine club options”
Go to Club > Terms and enter the number of shipments you would like to offer. Example: 3 shipments, 6 shipments, 12 shipments. In this case, your customer will see the option to purchase a gift club that is 3, 6, or 12 shipments. You could also set it up as "half-year, one year, two years" and put in the shipment quantity as the number of shipments that would be sent during that period.
Scroll up and SAVE your changes
Now go to Clubs > Clubs
Click on the Club name you want to set up a Gift option for.
Scroll down to the Gift wine club section and enter the cost of a club shipment for this type of club. Make sure you set the average cost of a single club shipment. If somebody purchases a three-shipment gift club, they would be charged three times this amount, for this particular club. If they purchase a 6 club shipment, it would be 6 times this amount and charged upfront.
Under the Price section, enter the price you want to charge for one club shipment
SAVE your changes