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Failed credit cards
Updated over 3 years ago

If you have a failed order due to incorrect credit card details, you can either reprocess it using the same card or enter a new card. If you enter a new credit card for a declined club order, it will update the credit card information on the club member profile, so it will be stored there for future use.

  • In Ecommerce > Orders filter under Order status for Invalid orders. OR, if you have processed a club and members have been updating their credit cards and you want to bulk process all of those updated cards, filter for Updated Cards. This will show cards that have been updated either by members or by staff.

  • To reprocess an individual order, click on the invoice number to get to the order details page.

  • Click Reprocess Order

  • Here there are two options:

  1. Process card on file: You may process the card on file, for example, if the invalid reason was that the card exceeded the limit, and the member told you that you can retry the card.

  2. Process order: If the member calls with new credit card information, pull up their failed order and enter the credentials and then choose process order. This will process the order and also write the information back as a token to the payment gateway.

Bulk Process Failed Club Cards

If you have your site configured to automatically notify customers of failed credit cards when you are running your clubs, your members will get an email to login and update their credit card on file.ย 

To bulk process the updated credit cards after a club batch processing, where members have updated their cards:

  • Filter in orders for Updated Cards

  • Select all, on the left

  • Scroll to bottom and choose Bulk Process

Bulk Process Invalid Club Cards

You can filter for invalid credit cards and bulk process all invalid cards. If you had notifications of failed orders turned off on original processing, you can turn it on, then bulk process all invalid cards to automatically send out the Credit card decline notice to your members. Make sure to review the default notification in the "Notifications" tab and edit your message if you wish.ย 

  • Filter in orders for Invalid Cards, and for the time frame you want, and filter for the club orders

  • Select all, on the left

  • Scroll to bottom and choose Retry Failed

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