You can manually issue a partial refund for an order in the POS or Dashboard.
NOTE: The REFUND button will ONLY do a full refund. Read below on how to do a Partial Refund.
Partial Refund on the Vines POS
To do a partial refund, your account must have access to Manager privileges enabled.
Let's say that a customer had previously purchased several bottles of wine, but later reported one of them damaged and you now need to refund the purchase of that bottle.
1. Open the POS, and use the search field to enter the order number or customer's name. On the orders page, look for the order and open it.
2. Once open, click on the quantity field for the item you are refunding, and select the new reduced quantity (e.g., reducing from 4 bottles to 3 bottles).
3. The POS will automatically calculate the amount to refund, and this amount will be displayed next to a 'Refund now' button. Click the button to issue the refund.
4. The refunded amount will show as a separate transaction within the order.
The following video tutorial walks you through the process of issuing a partial refund.
Partial refund on the Dashboard
Click the Customize Order button at the top
Select the green button 'Add row'
Fee note: Enter what should be displayed on the invoice. Your customer will receive an updated email with this showing as a new line item on the order.
Value: Enter the amount, either positive or negative amount. If it is negative, enter it with a minus sign, i.e., '-20.00'
Choose 'Update' at the top in the top menu.
This will create an additional charge to the card, for the amount you enter, or will generate a refund to the card of the negative amount you enter.
This does not update tax. You will need to update the tax if you modify an order this way manually.
NOTE: Use this ONLY for partial refunds, not for full refunds.