When you receive access to your new site, the Terms section contains generic placeholder language. You'll need to update this section with your terms.
1. From the upper right menu in VinesOS, click on the Profile icon then 'View Site'.
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page (footer section) where you'll see links to the Club Terms, Shipping and Returns, and Privacy Policy. IMPORTANT - Click on all 3 of these links and update the content with your company information. The CLUB TERMS will show in an auto-scroll box on the club signup page.
3. An edit icon will appear on the page. Click on the icon and the page editor will open.
No Refunds Term Checkbox
If you want to include an acceptance checkbox for your refund terms policy that the customer will be required to check during checkout, there is an option for this in the Settings page (from the sidebar menu, go to Settings > General Settings) called 'Show no refunds checkout disclaimer'.
If enabled here is an example of how it will display for the customer at checkout: