VinesOS offers real-time GLS rate calculation and label printing.
GLS zip codes are checked for all e-commerce or club orders, once enabled, any order that is in the GLS zip range will charge the GLS rate, instead of using your default UPS or FedEx account.
Ask us to set up your account to use GLS where it is available. Any order that is in the ZIP Code range of where GLS ships to will be charged GLS rates, and those orders will automatically print GLS labels instead of UPS/FedEx labels.
Orders shipped with GLS will have their status automatically updated from 'Shipment created' to 'Shipped' after the parcel has been picked up at the door.
First, Request API access via your GLS Sales Rep. If you are unsure who your rep is you can contact GLS through their contact page and ask for “web service or API access”. Wait until you get your API username and API password from GLS.
Then, from the sidebar, go to Settings > General Settings and click on the 'Shipping Carrier API' tab at the top of the page. Toggle on the 'Offer GLS' option, and then enter your API username and API password from your GLS account. Save your settings.