At the bottom of the product page there are settings to choose:
Published: If we host your wine list or wine detail pages, this will be displayed on the page, it's active and live!. Items can be purchased.
Library: It's a library wine, and can be viewed and may or may not be purchased, depending on Settings. You can have these products display on a separate page, as special wines. *Small set up fee may be required.
Past Vintage: Customer can read about it, but no longer make purchase. These can display on a separate page/menu link.
No display/No sale : Wine will not be displayed, and can not be purchased.
POS only: Wine is only available for sale on the POS or for anyone who has a direct link to buy it online, such as a member with a pre-release link. It does not display on your web store. If you don't want staff to sell it yet on the POS, create a new category "Pre-Release" or "Not for sale" and put it there so staff won't sell on POS.
Unreleased: Wine is not displayed on your site. It IS available for club processing. It is not available on customize club selection by member.
Unreleased, Customize - Do not sell on website, but allow on POS and Customize order for member releases. On POS this will be labeled "Unreleased"
Members only: Wine is available only to members. Member must checkout with email address on file to be able to purchase.
No Buy, No Price: The wine displays with no price and no ability to buy.
Preview only: Wine is published, cannot be purchased. There is no "Buy" button.
NOTE: Not all status types sync to Revel.
* Syncs to Revel. This is restricted due to possible performance degradation issues if past vintages and items that are not available are set to sync.
** Syncs to Revel and is available to Map in Revel.