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Build Your Product Menu: Adding Categories and Adding Products
Build Your Product Menu: Adding Categories and Adding Products

Add wine and non-wine products to your online store and POS

Updated over 8 months ago

Define your menu structure for both your online shop and the POS.

Add Categories

First, go to Products>Categories. You have to create categories for your wines to be nested under.

Click to edit and modify an existing category name.

Add a new category using the blue button at the top.

If you do not want the category displayed on the POS or in your online shop, toggle on 'Exclude from POS' and/or 'Exclude Online'.

Add Wine or products

Add Wine by Importing from a Google Sheet

If you want to import products from a spreadsheet, download the sample file below. (Note: For clients integrating with Revel POS, use the sync method instead).

On the spreadsheet, it's important to keep the top row and not change the heading names. Headings in bold are required. Items can be put into different columns; you can move them around but keep the header the same. Also NOTE:

  • Price is required.

  • Quantity is required, or it will show as "Sold out"

  • Set a unique SKU for each wine.

  • The ‘varietal’ field is a single value; VinesOS can’t assign multiple varietals per wine. You can create a blend, such as GSM.

  • Make sure you have added each varietal in VinesOS before importing.

  • Make sure to add the category, as noted above, similar to varietal, before importing.

  • Default_graphic: should be 1 or 2 or 3 (1=Red, 2=White, 3=Rose) if you are using default graphics. This is a good option while you are adding the wine images individually.

  • Our sample rows and row with notes should be deleted before importing.

Open the sample Google sheet, click 'File' > 'Make a Copy'. Rename to reflect your business name. You will notice instructions in each column with an example for each field. Start entering your products below the sample product. When ready, share to

Add Wine Manually

From the VinesOS sidebar, click on Products > Wine. Then, click the Add Product button at the top of the page. Complete the fields running down the page. Please note: The Quantity, Regular Price, and Category fields are all required in order to display your wine in your online shop. There are additional setting requirements noted below for displaying products in the POS.

Add Wine by Sync with Revel

If you are integrating VinesOS to Revel, the wines will auto-sync and you will not need to enter them separately. Avoid entering or importing them separately or it will result in duplicate products.

Refer to this article: Sync with Revel products

Quick Updates to Individual Wines

If you need to adjust a setting for an individual wine, you can quickly find the field you are looking for by typing into the search bar at the top of each wine detail settings page.

For example, let's say you are hoping to quickly update the glass price on your Cabernet Sauvignon. You can search 'glass' in the search bar, and the field will appear. Update to the setting and click 'Save'

Complete List of Updates to Individual Wines

There are a number of fields you can set and populate on the detail page.

Name. Enter the name of the wine.
Sort Order. If you have a preference for ordering your wines in the shop according to a specific top-down order, you can set a number here (i.e., with a lower number translating to a higher position in the list of wines). We recommend that you set these in increments of 10 (e.g., 10, 20, 30, etc.), so if you add a wine later, you will have space to do so (e.g., adding a wine into the twelfth position in the list, setting it to 12). Setting a sort order is optional, and you can always do this later.
Category Info. Enter the vintage, varietal, and category. *Note that the category field is required to be set or the wine will not display on your page. If the top-level category is not there, such as a 'Red', 'White', or 'Bubbly' (i.e., how you would display it on your tasting room menu) you can add it in the Categories section.
You can edit or add the Varietals (e.g., GSM) available from the sidebar menu, Products > Varietal.

State Tax. Most likely, you will set the sales tax as a default setting for all wines at the Product Type level rather than individually per product. However, you can check this box if you need to override the default tax. Additionally, you can adjust the unit type on the individual product if you intend to pass along a CRV to sales in CA (default is 750ml bottle at $0.10 in CA). Specifically, if the bottle is less than 750ml, you will want to check the box 'Less than 24oz' so that $0.05 is applied instead of $0.10.

Quantity. *Note that the quantity is required, or the wine will display as sold out. As you accrue club and active orders, those will be displayed on the 'VOS Reserved' line, and a total of the VinesOS Inventory and VinesOS Reserved will be calculated. The 'Number Sold' will display as you begin selling this wine. If you have a Revel integration, you can add inventory once your wines have completed syncing from Revel.

Disregard Inventory. If you are not tracking inventory and you want to allow more wine to be sold than the quantity shown in 'VOS Inventory' area, check this box. Note that when the wine is sold out and is no longer available, it will still display in your shop, but the Buy button is removed and it cannot be added to the cart. Unless you specifically mark this product as 'Do Not Display', it will continue to display on your shop page as either 'Sold Out' or in the case of retailers who can order more, it can be set to display as 'Call to Order'.

Out of Stock? You can check this box to indicate that this product is out of stock and you have no more inventory available.

Limit Order Quantity. If you want to limit the maximum number of bottles of this product that can be sold per order, check this box, and then enter the max number per order.

Glass Size. If you sell wine by the glass onsite and you want to track inventory depletion, you can enter a pour size in ounces (e.g., .02) here. To set a default volume for all glasses of wine in the POS, go to Dashboard > Settings > Wine.

Pack Size. This is for use with Coupons. If you have an item that includes 3 bottles, for example, and you want it to count as 3 instead of 1, to qualify for a coupon discount, you can enter pack size as 3, and then this item will count as if it is 3 instead of 1, when added to the cart. See: Pack Size

Unit Type. Select the 'Unit Type' (e.g., bottle 750ml, magnum 1,500ml, etc.) for this product.

Limit Club Customer Choice. Set which clubs are eligible to purchase this wine when a member customizes their order.

You can designate this wine for club allocation. If this is a limited-availability wine, you can set which clubs are eligible for a club member to purchase, and when a member logs in, only members of this club will be able to purchase this wine. Please note that this wine will still be available on the website unless you set it to 'Member Only' or as 'Library Wine' - then it will only show and be available for purchase when they are logged in.

Override Discount. This will override the default discount set for all wines in the product-level settings.

Bottle to Go/Ecommerce. The regular (non-discounted) price is a required field in order to display your wine online (for E-commerce). In the POS, this will display the regular price for the Bottle to Go.

Bottle On Site. In the POS, this will display the regular (non-discounted) price for the Bottle On Site.

Glass. In the POS, this will display the regular (non-discounted) price for a Glass.
Include on Tasting QR Menu. Toggle this option if you want to include this product in the POS tasting QR menu.

On-Premise Bottle. Toggle this option if you want to include this product in the POS on-premise bottle section.

On Premise Glass. Toggle this option if you want to include this product in the POS glass section.

Non-Member Sale Price. Offer a sale price for non-members. You can either enter the actual sale price in dollars (e.g., if the regular price is $25, and the non-member sale price is $20, you would enter 20 and select the $ symbol) or as a percentage off (e.g., enter 5 and select the % symbol).

Member Sale Price. Offer a special members-only sale price. You can either enter the actual sale price in dollars (e.g., if the regular price is $25, and the non-member sale price is $20, you would enter 20 and select the $ symbol) or as a percentage off (e.g., enter 5 and select the % symbol ).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not enter a 'sale price' or 'member price' for each wine. Only enter this if you have a product on sale, such as a case discount or flash sale. The member price will be calculated separately based on what you set up in the Member Discounts in the Product Settings section.

Sale Start/End Dates. If you want to specify a date range for the sale, enter those dates.

Sale date range only on non-member sale. If you want to limit the sale date range to apply only to non-members, check this box. Members won't be restricted to purchasing this wine at their special member price by the date range.

Sale price requires minimum order. Check this box if the sale price requires the purchase of a minimum number of bottles (not necessarily a case). For example, you might set a minimum of 6 bottles. On the shop page, it will say (Sale requires 6 bottles) under the wine.

# Bottles. If you did check the minimum order required option checkbox, a field will display where you can enter the minimum number of bottles required.

No Member Quantity Discounts. Check this to skip the discounts set in Member Quantity Discounts.

No Volume Discounts, Coupons, or Sale prices. This option is to exclude this product from non-member quantity discounts (like those that you might set above in the 'Sale Prices Requires Case' option. If checked, this product will not count toward volume discounts for other wines purchased. Shipping discounts will still apply.

Unit Cost: Enter product cost if interested in seeing profit in Reports > Sales by Product

Override default shipping weights. If you want to set a flat or special shipping rate for an individual wine, check this box and then complete the options.

ShipCompliant. IF you have a Full ShipCompliant integration, you will see the ShipCompliant section. Enter the Brand Key, Product Key, Volume Amount, and Volume Unit for each wine product. This would be done after enabling ShipCompliant on your main Settings page.

SKU ID. If you have a SKU ID for this product, enter it here.

Note. Use the text editor to create your wine description. Your first paragraph of text will show on the Wine List page. Everything beyond that will display on the Wine Details page.

Featured. Toggle 'yes' to enable this wine product to assume a priority listing atop the wines displayed in your online store. Also, if your site is fully designed by VinesOS, this wine will be promoted on the homepage in a special Featured section.

New Release. Toggle 'yes' to enable this wine product to assume a priority listing (i.e., secondary to any Featured wines) atop the wines displayed in your online store. Also, if your site is fully designed by VinesOS, this wine will be promoted on the homepage in a special New Release section.

Default Graphic. If no image has been uploaded or set for this wine, one of 3 pre-uploaded default images (i.e., a non-labeled bottle of red, white, or rose) will be available to be displayed for the product. Once you upload your own image for the product, that image will be displayed.

Use existing image. When you check this box, a small window will open with existing images available on the server. If you see an image that you want to use, place a tick mark on the radio button next to it. Note that this window will stay open with your selection until you are done editing and have saved your new wine product page.

Image. Upload your own wine image here.

Graphic Caption. If you want to include a short visible title or caption just under this wine bottle, type it in the available field.

Wine data fields. Fill in as much information as you care to include. Any field that you complete will display on the wine detail page and/or search filters.

Info Sheet (PDF only). If you want to include a downloadable PDF link to a wine details document, you can upload that here. The link will appear just under the wine.

Set product tags

Apply product tags to the wine to appear in the filters in your Shop. Learn how to create product tags

Wine Status. Set the status for your wine. Display, No display, POS only, member only, syncing to Revel, and more. Learn

Save. Remember to save your new product page to complete the process.

Viewing your wine. After saving, click the View icon to see the front-end display of the wine detail page in a new window.

Add Non-Wine Product Types: Beer, Spirits, Merch, etc

If you need to add a new type of product such as beer, spirits, merchandise, etc.) and they have not been pre-installed for you, send a support request by chat or to let us know what you need.

After the category type has been installed for you

1. From the VinesOS sidebar, click on Products > Other Products > Product Manager.
2. At the top of the page, click the Add Product button dropdown and select your product (e.g., Spirits, Beer, Food, Merchandise, etc.)


When adding merchandise to your store, you may need to configure options if a product has multiple attributes, such as different sizes or colors. If you don't see this option, reach out and let us know what you need.

Remember to SAVE 👍.

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