Happy Hour

How to set up happy hour discounts and flat rate pricing for drinks, food and more

Updated over a week ago

The Happy Hour feature is a convenient and flexible tool for scheduling happy hours. You can offer wines, food, merchandise, events, and more at a discount or a flat price on specific days and at times. For example, you could offer $3 off any glass of wine, 25% off bottles, or 50% off food items. You could also set this up for flat-priced items, such as a $5 glass of wine or $2.50 Hors d'oeuvres. You can mix and match your happy hour deals, and each can be set up to apply across an entire product group (e.g., all wines) or only to specific items (e.g., 2021 Cabernet).

Set up happy hour discounts

The Happy Hour feature is located on the POS Settings page. From the VinesOS sidebar, go to POS > Settings, then scroll down the page to the 'Happy Hour Discounts' section. (IF YOU DO NOT SEE this on your installation, please ask us to install it for you).

1. Select the day(s) of the week and time period(s) for your happy hours.
If you need to temporarily turn off a happy hour special (e.g., during a holiday when your business is closed), uncheck the box next to that day. Your entries will be conveniently saved for later. If you need to remove an entry, click the 'Remove' link.

To set or update a time slot, click on the time field. The clock window will open. Select AM or PM, the hour, and then finally the minutes. When you click on the minutes, the clock will close and your selections will be set into the field:

2. Select the type of discount (i.e., $ Off or % Off or a Flat-rate price):

3. Set the primary category to glass, bottle, bottle to go, or Any:

4. Set a second category if applicable:

Next, you will need to enable the product(s) that you want the happy hour specials to apply to in the POS. Please follow the steps below.

Enable products for the Happy Hour

There are two methods for enabling your product(s) for happy hours. You can either bulk edit multiple products at a time or edit an individual product.

1. If editing a single product, in the product's edit page, scroll down until you see the 'Happy Hour' option and toggle it on. Then save the page.

2. If you want to add or remove products in bulk, go to the respective management page for the product type. For example, for bulk editing Wine, go to Products > Wine. Place a checkmark in front of the wines that you want to edit, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the 'Happy Hour' tag from the list and click 'Add Tag'. Notice that there is a 'Remove Tag' button if you need to remove products from the happy hour.

Products must be enabled for happy hour before you add them to a POS order, otherwise, you will not see the happy hour discount apply when you add them to the cart.

Happy Hour pricing at the POS

Once you have created your happy hour and enabled your products, the happy hour savings will automatically apply at the POS as you add each applicable item to the cart.

Additionally, if a member has a member benefit available (e.g., a free glass or free flight) and wants to use that benefit during happy hour, the benefit can be used and it will apply the discount on top of the happy hour discount.

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