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Configure General Settings
Configure General Settings

Set up the main options and settings for your VinesOS account.

Updated over a year ago

The General Settings are one-time initial setup configurations based on the features and options desired. These settings can be revisited and updated as your needs change. Each setting has a tooltip adjacent to it with more information and links to help articles where relevant.

Go to Settings > General Settings > General

If you are looking for a specific setting, use the Search box at the top of the page. 

Note that asterisks (*) signify required fields.

1. General

Company Name:  Enter the name of your company as you want it to appear on email notifications to your customers.  

Copyright text:  Enter the legal entity name of your business, which will be used in the copyright statement in the footer of all pages.  

Local time zone: Set your time zone.

Website URL:  This website will be listed on your email notifications. Use the full email address, including https://www 

Non-hosted Club URL: If you are hosting your own club page, enter it here.

Main contact email address:  General email address used for the Send From and Reply To emails for notifications.  If the Club email is set below, all club-related emails will be from that email.

Enable Advanced Email: Toggle this on to use the advanced email notification builder utility.

2. E-commerce

E-commerce email notification: Order notifications are sent to this email. In some cases, an email alias will not work.

All Order CC notification: Order notifications are copied here, this can be multiple email addresses, separated by commas.

E-commerce only phone: This will be printed on customer order notifications.

​Must call to pickup: On customer receipt for orders for pickup, check this to require customers with pickup orders to call to schedule pickup time.

California Prop 65: BPA warning that is required for all CA Sales. Only shows for CA orders.

Enable Auto Match: With the Product Upsell feature, use bots to suggest wines. Learn more.

Enable Gifts in Shop: When you enable this option, the Gifts filter will display on the Shop page.

3. Cart

Hide 'handling' from title: When this option is enabled on the checkout row 'Shipping and Handling' says just 'Shipping'.

Show handling separately on cart invoice: This will display order handling on the order details for admin and at checkout.

Show no refunds checkout disclaimer: If enabled on checkout it displays the checkbox: 'No refund' which is required to check.

Hide checkout discount box: This will remove the member discount display area on the checkout page.

Hide sold out items: This option hides sold out products from displaying on the Shop page.

Display call to order for sold out: This option will display a 'Call to order' message for any products that are showing in the Shop, but are currently 'sold out'.

Enable online tips: This option will allow customers to add a tip to their order at Checkout. Enabling a tip option at checkout.

Offer Gift Card Pickup Option: Toggle on this option if you want to allow gift cards to be picked up at your place of business.

Abandoned Cart Reminder term in days: The 'Send Reminder now' option can be toggled on to test the email reminder. This option will automatically be toggled off. Abandoned Cart Email Reminder

Send Reminder now: The Abandoned Cart email reminder will only be sent one time to customers.

Only send to this test email: Enter the email address that you used at checkout for testing this abandoned cart email test feature. Once you save this Settings page, the test email will be sent to the email address that you entered.

Charge bottle CRV fee: Toggle this on if you want to pass along CRV fee to consumers for bottles sold in CA

4. Events

Event only phone: If there's a dedicated phone number for event orders, enter it here.

Events only email: If there's a dedicated email contact for event orders, enter it here. This must be a single email address only.

Allow Oversell by Admin: If you want to override the maximum amount of seats available, toggle on this option.

Include Guest Count: Toggle on if this is a single-ticket event and you want to see how many guests are coming.

Reservation Reminder Email: Send reminders to your guests for their upcoming reservations. Set the email to be sent for a specific timeframe prior to the event.

5. Club Settings

Club contact email address: Notifications related to clubs will go to this email address. MUST BE A SINGLE email address only.

Gift clubs: Offer gift club memberships.

Configure gift clubs: This is a link to the Dashboard > Settings page for setting up your gift clubs.

Enable ongoing gift club charge: If you want your gift clubs to charge the gift giver's card on an ongoing basis (recommended - to ensure that you can accurately capture the correct tax and shipping charges at the time of the club release) rather than all upfront, toggle on this option.

Ongoing gift club exp. terms: This is an option that will allow you to configure the terms or number of shipments (e.g., 1 month, 3 months, 6 months) to offer as options for your ongoing gift clubs. The terms can then be found at Dashboard > Settings > Wine Club).

Extend Gift Membership: If toggled ON, gift members will continue to receive member benefits until the next club release is issued

Offer custom club: Allow members to log in and customize their club order

Offer free club: The Free Club feature allows you to offer a club that's free to join and doesn't require a credit card on sign-up or registration.

Enable membership date filter: Toggle on to be able to do recurring member fees based on the date joined.

Disable billing notification on processing: Toggle on if you do NOT want to notify members when their credit cards are processed for club releases.

Disable club order update customer alert: This disables the member email notification when a refund/surcharge is issued for the club order.

Send new members last shipment?: If you toggle this option, when a new member signs up for your club, you will have the OPTION to send the last club shipment from their member profile page. You will also have the option to skip sending the new member the most recent club shipment.

Send club shipment request?: This allows the member to decide when they sign up if they want to get the shipment right away. It's a checkbox that they check if they want it now instead of waiting for your next release.

Required terms apply on signup: On club signup, members must check a box to agree to the terms that you have set.

Anniversary discounts: This gives you the ability to offer members additional, anniversary discounts while processing your club run or an anniversary coupon.

Staff incentive:  This option will include a field on the club signup form for the new member to select the staff person's name who helped sign them up.

Track Member Referral: This option will include a dropdown field on the club signup form for the customer to select their referral source.

Track cancellations: Toggle this on if you want to track the reason for members canceling when they call to cancel. 

Cancellation reasons list: Assemble a default list of the various reasons that your club manager will select from when a member cancels. This is private. Some examples: Too many club memberships, Not getting what we want, Financial hardship, Other 

Member signup - how did you hear about us? - Toggle on to offer a list on the club signup form for the member to indicate where they heard about you. Examples:
Member Referral
Online search
Staff referral

Disable Member Login:  If enabled, members can not log in.

Enable coupon on club orders: This option enables the use of coupons on club orders.

Club Phone: If you have a dedicated phone number for the club manager, enter it here.

Keep club release free shipping on customize: If you create a club release and provide it with the free shipping option selected, and then you allow customers to customize their order, with customer choice club on, if it is selected they will continue to get free shipping otherwise shipping will be added.

Enable member benefits: This option enables member benefits, such as complimentary tastings, etc.

Don’t send member welcome email: Toggle this option if you do NOT want the manual/automatic option to send a welcome email notification for new member sign-ups.

Additional discount for multi-club members on club release: Toggle this option if you want to offer a multi-club discount (for members enrolled in more than one club).

Allow change member signup staff: This option will allow the admin to change the name of the server who helped to sign up the member. This is done within the member's record.

No club discounts: Exclude any information about club discounts on the email notification and the checkout page.

Create and process new active order for member on signup: Toggle on this feature to automatically create an order for the last club shipment and charge new members for this upon sign-up to the club. The order will immediately be processed.

Do not auto-charge new member order, keep Active: Toggle on this feature to automatically create an order for the last club shipment for the new member, but NOT immediately process the order. The order will remain in Active status until you process it. NOTE - to use this option, the 'Create and process new active order for member on signup' option must also be enabled.

Disable Member updates notification: When a member updates any data in their account, an email notification is sent to the club manager. Toggling this option to ON will stop this notification from being sent to the club manager.

Don't allow member to change name: With this toggled on, members are not allowed to edit their names in their member account profile when logged in.

Enable online cancellation: Toggle on to allow your members to cancel their club subscription from their logged-in account page.

Check duplicate phone numbers: Don't allow a customer to create an account using the same phone number as another existing customer (Phone numbers get recycled and can be tied to membership so may not be reliable).

Disable member login club change: Don't allow members to change the club they are in without contacting you.

Apply member volume discounts on Customized club order

Don't show suggested tip amount on club order receipt but keep tip line

6. Address (shipping and tax)

Specify your 'ship-from address'. This is used for shipping fees and is also displayed on orders.
This address is also used to determine the local tax rate for pickup orders

*This is required and is used for State tax for orders held for pickup.

7. Shipping modes 

Set applicable shipping modes and default mode.  (The Main shipping setup is on the Shipping API tab at the top of this General Settings page)

Allow curbside pickup: Learn more.

8.  Payment Gateway

Enable payments: When this is turned on, tokenized credit card details are sent to the merchant gateway

Authorize only: Don't automatically process an order when it is placed.

Disable payment processed confirmation: When you Process orders, do not email the order notification receipt to the customer.

Disable members CC access: Disable member's CC details edit/update access.

Disable invalid CC member email alert: Blank

Payment Gateway:  Stripe

Email logo: Upload your logo to be included in your email notifications.

Show logo:  If the path to the image is specified, the image will be shown; if left blank, the 'Site name' from above will appear as text.

Favicon: The favicon is a small image displayed next to the page title in the browser tab. The uploaded logo file for this should be 16 x 16 pixels.

Print Receipt Logo: If you want a logo to be included on your printed receipts, upload a logo here.

10.  Google

Universal Analytics Account: This is for Google Analytics page tracking. Track website analytics.  Enter your Google Analytics UA code, if using.  Learn more

Tag manager <head> code: Enter your Google tag manager head code.  This is for more advanced tracking using tags. Learn more

Tag manager <body> code Enter your Google tag manager body code. This is for more advanced tracking using tags. Learn more

11.  Constant Contact

Constant Contact Account: Enter your constant contact ID number if we are hosting your Constant Contact newsletter signup page.  Not required.

12.   ShipCompliant

Enable: If you use Ship Compliant to manage compliance, toggle on. NOTE: Do not complete the shipping or tax setup on the Dashboard > Settings section IF you are using ShipCompliant. 

ShipCompliance username: If you are using Ship Compliant, enable and then enter your credentials. This will override e-commerce tax and shipping settings on VOS
See also how to set up products for Ship Compliant.

13. Mailchimp

If you have a MailChimp account, you can integrate your MailChimp account with VinesOS account.

14. Social

Enter any of the links if we are connecting your accounts:
Facebook Pixel ID:

15. Pop Up Promo

Enter and format text to display to a site visitor the first time they land on one of your pages. It will only show once. It's great to use this area to promote events, coupons, or new releases, or to invite guests to join your club. Here's an example.

15. Age Gate

In General Settings, Toggle this on to display your Age Gate notice the first time a visitor comes to your site. If this is on, and the Promo is on, the Promo will show on the second page visited by the customer.

16. POS Settings

POS tipping: Toggle on to enable online tipping

Daily Sales Goal: This will show in the daily sales goal piechart on the Insights page when you log into the Dashboard.

17. User Way

Toggle on to display the UserWay ADA compliance icon and its menu. This will only install the FREE limited version, which will display in the bottom left of your website.

18. External Feed Products URL

Google Merchant Feed URL: The Google Shop export is for the Google Merchant feed. The feed is a file that contains a list of products you want to advertise through Google Merchant Center.

18. Be sure to SAVE when done.

See also in General Settings:

You can click on SEO, Shipping Carrier API, and/or Appearance to adjust general settings related to those categories.

SEO: Optimize Search Engine Optimization with your VinesOS-hosted pages.

Shipping Carrier API: Set your shipping carrier or set up for manual, as well as other shipping options such as local delivery and gift wrapping.

Appearance: Click on the Appearance tab to change how various details are displayed on the product detail pages.

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