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Setting up Clubs

How to set up and configure your wine clubs

Updated over 2 months ago

Follow the instructions below to set up your club structure. Make sure you add products and inventory and all shipping/pickup settings listed in the Initial Setup.

Step 1: Establish Club Categories

Go to the Club > Category page and click the Add Category button at the top to establish your main club category levels (e.g., Red Wine Club, White Wine Club). Your site comes with some default categories. Click on each one to rename it or check the box to delete it. 

Step 2: Set up Clubs

Create your clubs and assign each to a club category. Go to Club > Wine Clubs, click the Add Club button, and select a club category from the list. You'll see some sample clubs already added. You can alternatively click one of those and rename it.

Club Title: This is the club name within the category. For example, if your top-level category is Red Wine Club, this could be 2 bottle, 4 bottle, 6 bottle, etc. Keep in mind that the email notification to members on signup will say, "Thank you for joining our 'club title,' so it's suggested that something that fits this structure be used.

Alias: You can create a custom club page URL or just accept the automated alias that is created for you. This can help with search engine rankings.

Signup link: Use this URL for club signups from social media, in an email campaign, or to link to it from your website if you are hosting your own club page. Learn how to host your own club page below. 

Club Processing Discount: If you offer members a discount on the Club release, enter it here. This will establish the default discount when you create a club release. You can also set a different discount to apply when creating a new club release. NOTE: This is separate from what you will set for e-commerce or POS discounts, which will be described below.

Description: Enter the description and details for your club. You can upload images or embed YouTube video links. Drag and drop the image to where you want it.
To improve the amount of white space around your image and between the text, right-click and choose “Image Properties." Set HSpace and VSpace to 10 pixels or a suitable amount. Set the image alignment to the Right or Left.

Display: select 'yes' to make this club visible to the public. Select 'no' if this will be a private club, such as an internal club for friends and family or a legacy club. For clubs set to 'no,' only you can add members through the Console; there is no way for guests to sign up. Important: When testing the signup, you may see this club if you are still logged in as an admin, so either log out or open an incognito browser window to view the actual guest experience.

Checkout teaser: Enter a very short description of the club to be used on the checkout page as an incentive to join the club. Example: “2 bottles quarterly, avg cost $150”

Club ID: If you are importing members, set the Club ID to identify the club and use the exact same Club ID on the member import spreadsheet. Download Sample file. An example Club ID could be "Red 2" for a 2 bottle red club.  Be sure to copy and paste directly; it is case-sensitive and must match exactly.

*Club limit: Set the maximum number of active members that can join the club. After the maximum is reached, you will need to start a waitlist.

Image: This field should only be used if we have built a custom club page for you and you are using it as an image field. 

Custom requirement – if you offer Customer Choice clubs, set the minimum of each type of wine or product that is required when a customer logs in to modify the pending club order. For example, the 6-bottle red club would require 6 bottles of red (or you could set 6 of Any at the bottom to give more flexibility). Note: If nothing displays here yet, be sure to add your Categories in Products > Categories in Step 1 above.

Free membership: normally, this is off unless you do a newsletter-type membership, and there is no membership fee.

Mailchimp ListId: if you use MailChimp, enter the MailChimp list ID here. As soon as a member joins or cancels, they will be added to the list on Mailchimp. ** Send a ticket if you'd like to disable our default member welcome email and have it sent from Mailchimp instead.

Step 3: Set Club Features and Options

Go to Settings > General Settings, Scroll to the Club section, and set your preferences for Club-level general settings.

Club contact email address: Notifications related to clubs, such as when a member joins or customizes their order, will go to this email address. It should be a SINGLE email address only; aliases may need to be custom-configured by your IT manager if you decide to use an email distribution alias.

Gift clubs: Offer gift club memberships. (Hint: If you are in a rush to launch, revisit this afterward.) 

Configure gift clubs: This is a link to the Dashboard > Settings page for setting up gift clubs.

Offer custom club: Allow members to log in and modify their club order.

Disable billing notification on processing: Toggle on if you do NOT want to notify members when credit cards are processed for club releases.

Disable club order update customer alert: This disables the member email notification when a refund/surcharge is issued on a club order.

Send new members last shipment?: If you select Yes when a new member signs up for your club, you will have the OPTION to send the last club shipment. You will have the option to skip it if you do not want to send a new member the most recent club shipment on a one-by-one basis.

Send club shipment request?: This allows the member to decide when they sign up to receive the shipment immediately. It's a checkbox that they check if they want it now instead of waiting for the next release.

Required terms apply on signup: On club signup, members must check a box to agree to terms.

Anniversary discounts: This gives you the ability to offer members additional anniversary discounts while processing your club run or an anniversary coupon.

Staff incentive: Include a field for customers to enter staff names on the club signup form.

Track cancellations: Track members' reason for canceling when they call to cancel.

Cancellation reasons list: List the reasons that your club manager will select when a member cancels. This is private. Example: Too many club memberships, Not getting what we want, Financial hardship, Other

Member signup - how did you hear about us? - Toggle on to offer list on the club signup page, and members can indicate where they heard about you. Examples:
Member Referral
Online search
Staff referral

Disable Member Login: If enabled, members can not log in.

Hide gift wine club on member signup: Leave off unless advised, this is used for some legacy gift wine club options.

Allow conversion of POS order to Club order: If you are using Revel POS, this will allow you to convert a POS order into a club order. 

Club phone: Phone number used on club email notifications.

Club Phone: If you have a dedicated phone number for the club manager, enter it here.

Step 4: Set up e-commerce and POS club-level discounts

With these settings, you can configure a club-by-club discount on products, events, and shipping. You can also set a flat rate or discounted shipping per club level. (Note: For club processing discounts, you will set the standard club % discount on the Club settings page in Clubs > Clubs Learn more)

From the sidebar menu, select Dashboard > Settings, Wine. The settings at the top of the page may already be set if the e-commerce or POS setup was completed, which includes settings for Active States, age restrictions, and more. 

Set Product Level Discounts by Club Type

  • Scroll down to the Member Quantity Discounts section as seen below:

  • Select the club name under the drop-down list titled Type. If nothing appears, go back to set up your club first.

  • Enter the discounts you offer for the various quantities/tiers purchased. For example, most clubs receive a 20% discount on at least one bottle, and the Friends and Family Club receives a 35% discount on one or more bottles.

  • Choose Add Row at the bottom to add another tier.

  • Toggle on 'Offer on Customized Club Order' if you'd like the discount applied to products when a member logs in and adds to their club order.

  • Click the green Save button at the top when finished.

Shipping Discounts and Flat Rate Shipping by Club Level

Shipping Discounts by Club Level

  • Scroll down to the Member Shipping Discounts section as seen below:

  • Select the club name under the drop-down list titled Type.

  • Enter the various shipping discounts you offer for the different quantities or tiers purchased. For example, 10% off each individual club type.

  • Choose Add Row at the bottom to add another tier.

    Flat Rate Shipping by Club Level

  • Scroll to Club Flat Rate Shipping as seen above.

  • Select the club name under the drop-down list titled Club.

  • Enter the different flat rates for shipping that you offer for the various quantities or tiers purchased. Example: The White Wine Club and the Red Wine 2 Bottle Club will pay a flat rate of $15 if they purchase between 3 and 12 bottles. The White Wine 6 Bottle Club will receive free shipping if they purchase between 7 and 12 bottles.

  • Choose Add Row at the bottom to add another tier.

  • Click the green Save button at the top when finished.

Step 5: Set Club level benefits for the Point of Sale (comp flights, free glass, etc)

NOTE: If you want to offer flights, glasses, or tastings, make sure to set that up in advance. If that is not done yet, learn how here, or continue below to set up e-commerce and POS discounts.

From the Settings section above, ensure 'Enable member benefits' is toggled on.

Go to Clubs > select the Club for which you want to set benefits.

Click the Member Benefits tab at the top. This is where you can set a specific number of tastings for members to be shown as the Member Benefit.

Find 'All Tasting' in the list and set the number of tastings allowed for club members. New members start with the number of benefits you have set without any carry-forward benefits. For example, your 2 Bottle Red Club allows two monthly benefits. New members would receive two free monthly tastings when they join that club.

Flight Frequency

You can set the frequency for how often the member receives complimentary club benefits.

Always: every visit, no limit. It's nice to use this for your premium members as an incentive to upgrade.

Daily: applies daily. Members can visit each day and receive the number of comp flights.

Weekly: applies weekly; the member receives the comp flight once a week. This resets 7 days from when the first benefit was redeemed.

Monthly: applies monthly. Member receives the comp flight once a month. It resets on the first of the month.

Monthly Calendar: applies monthly. Member receives the comp flight once a month. It applies monthly from the last day the benefit was used. For example, if a member uses the comp flight on June 13, the next comp flight will be available to use on July 13.

Bi-Monthly: applies every other month. Member receives the comp flight once every other month. It resets on the first of every other month.

Quarterly: applies quarterly. Member receives the benefit based on annual calendar quarters: Jan-Mar / Apr-Jun / Jul-Sep / Oct-Dec.

Option to not Deplete Member Benefit

Member tastings can be set to not count as a member benefit flight but will still be accurately pulled from inventory. For example, if one of your VIP customers asks for an extra taste of your cab or the owner's friend drops by and wants a splash of three faves, simply ring it in for free. It will be depleted from inventory but will not count as a member flight.
To enable this option, go to the flight edit page's pricing section, look for 'Does not deplete Member benefit,' and check that option. Then, save.

Option for Free Glass

If you sell wine by the glass through the POS, an additional dropdown menu will display in your Member Benefits tab with the options: Bottle, Glass, Any. If you haven't set this up yet, you can Learn how here or come back and add it later.

Set how long to allow to carry benefit forward

New club members will always start with the number of benefits you have set without any carry-forward benefits. if you want to allow unused benefits to roll forward and be added to future periods, you can set this at the top of the Member Benefits page. For example, say that members of your Gold Club receive one free tasting per month, but one of those members did not come in for their free tasting this month. If you had set the benefit to carry forward for a period of two months, next month or the month after, that member could come in and receive two free tastings. Unused benefits from the previous period are carried forward into the next year.

Next, on the POS, start a new order and add the member. Add the complimentary tasting item, which will show as a Member Benefit according to the number of free member tastings allotted, based on the frequency you set. For example, if we were to set 2 free member tastings per week for our White 6 Bottle Club, that free benefit would be reflected in the POS order for the first two added, and any additional tastings added would show a charge.

If the added member has an unused benefit available for redemption, a modal will pop up, and staff can allocate one or more of the available benefits to the order.

Member benefits on printed receipts

The Member Benefit prints on the receipt to ensure the member realizes the perk!

Also, if additional wine is on the order and it is discounted, it will be shown along with the member benefit so the customer A) sees the total value of the order and can tip based on the order total if they choose to, and B) see the total savings based on membership.

Here is a sample receipt with tip line, which prints after the card is authorized. Note - the suggested tip is based on the non-discounted amount (i.e., Subtotal), so that staff still gets the appropriate tip:

Here is the receipt for the final sale, including the tip.

Optional Step: Host your own club page on your 3rd party website

You can optionally host your own club description pages and just link to the signup form. If you are using your own club page, you don't need to enter the description and add images. However, you do need to fill out the rest of the club section below the Description. To link to the club signup form and use your own club details page, copy the VIEW icon beside the club name on the Club list.

Or if you want just to link to a club form page and not have the club selected, you can copy the URL from any club detail page, like this. That will link through to the club signup page without any checked.

Add a Join the Club menu or link to your website if it is hosted on 3rd party site

Copy the URL to your Club page and your member login page and add them as links from your website, eg navigation update "Our Clubs" links to the club page, and "Member login" links to your main login page.

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